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Miscellaneous . 


in a very elegant manner in the form of a double comb, possess very 
strong outlines in a great part of the retina. The retina of the 
Plagiostoma also, both Sharks and Rays, contains fibres of a breadth 
of as much as 0*01 mill., which exhibit all the characters of the 
varicose fibres with double outlines which occur in the nervous centres. 
Lastly, I have observed that in the eyes of many Dogs, the optic 
nerve is still white at its entrance into the eye, and that it is only in 
the retina that the nervous fibres become pale and transparent. But 
the change takes place very soon after the entrance of the optic nerve, 
whilst in the fishes just mentioned, the fibres with double outlines 
extend over a great part of the retina, and only pass by degrees 
to the aspect of the pale fibres. In a physiological point of 
view it is remarkable that in the Fishes of which I am speaking, 
notwithstanding the double outlines of the nervous fibres, the retina 
appears to be tolerably transparent during life, whilst in the Rabbits 
and Dogs it is opaque and white, in the whole extent of the fibres 
with double outlines. In the former case the influence upon the 
sight does not appear to be important, but in the latter the perception 
of light must be hindered or disturbed as far as this peculiarity of 
the fibres extends ; and the ophthalmoscopic effect of the bottom of 
the eye, and especially of the entrance of the optic nerve, must present 
remarkable modifications in all the animals in which a state similar 
to that which has long been known in the Rabbit exists .—Comptes 
Rendus , Oct. 20, 1856, p. 743. 

Remarks on Nika edulis, Risso. By William Thompson. 

The possession of a healthy specimen of Nika edulis has enabled 
me to offer the following remarks, which, I trust, may add some¬ 
thing new to what is already known of this species. 

The first specimen I obtained by dredging on the 2nd July, 1853. 
I find by my notes, which were made at the time, that it was a 
female, and in spawn ; the ova were darkish green, the animal itself 
was of a cream colour, and spotted with red dots; the spots were 
of different sizes, perfectly round, and rather thickly and regularly 
placed. This specimen was dead before I examined it, and this will 
account for the difference of colour as contrasted with the specimen, 
the more immediate subject of the present paper. I had previously 
obtained one specimen, and a third specimen, also in spawn, was 
brought to me on the 20th July, 1855 ; the ova were bright green, 
and the animal of a cream colour. This specimen was dead when 

The subject of the present paper was brought to me alive by my 
dredger on the 21st February in this year, and lived three weeks. 
It was dredged in Weymouth Bay, near the mouth of the harbour. 
The colour in this living specimen was very different from that of 
the dead specimens I had previously obtained. When first brought to 
me, the whole animal was a light greenish-drab, irregularly and thinly 
sprinkled with pure white stars; the carapace and covering of the 
abdomen were alike transparent, and the intestines could be easily 

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seen beneath. I could also detect the breathing apparatus placed on 
each side at the back of the mouth ; the movement was similar to 
that of a long rope when gently waved at one end. After a few days’ 
confinement it changed colour : five or six broadish bands of a lovely 
rose colour appeared, the bands of colour being restricted to the back 
portion of each segment of the body; the tail also changed to the 
same rosy hue, but in the course of two or three days the animal again 
assumed its original colour. I have noticed this change of colour in 
many of the Palcemonidce and Crangonidce , and I believe it to arise 
from the transparency of the cuticle enabling any change in the body 
itself to be seen through it, and that the change of colouring of the 
body is occasioned by fear or some instinct. In all the specimens of 
Nika I have obtained the shell is soft as in a new-moulted Prawn, and 
in piercing them with a fine pin for preserving, the shell bends before 
it. Is this of any value as a generic character ? M. Milne-Edwards 
says they resemble Athanas "in possessing but a small rostrum 
they also resemble them in their mode of locomotion, as they then 
carry the external pedipalps and first pair of feet extended before 
them in a line with their body; their movements are also slow and 
deliberate, and they appear to progress by walking and not by 
swimming; when alarmed they shoot backwards by striking forward 
with their tail, as is the habit of all the long-tailed Crustaceans. 

I now proceed to lay before you the information I have obtained 
as to its habits. 

I may assert that Nika is essentially a burrowing genus. I was 
not prepared to find it so, as I considered its slender limbs and its 
prominent eyes but ill-adapted for the purpose ; however, we live 
and learn, and I have learned that practice is far better than theory; 
had I relied on the latter I should have insisted that Nika edulis was 
not a burrower. 

In accordance with a plan which I have formed of attempting to 
study the habits of any of our rarer marine animals I may have the 
good fortune to meet with, I placed my prisoner in a vase with a 
few weeds and some pebbles, that being the nature of the ground on 
which it was dredged; 1 left it in this vessel for two days, and found 
out it was not at home, and, in fact, that a pebbly bottom was not 
its choice. I therefore removed it to a large earthenware pan in 
which I had previously placed a few weeds, having filled it also to 
the depth of three inches with coarse gravel; I then left it for an 
hour, and on examining the vessel I could not find my friend; I 
searched on the table, thinking it might have thrown itself out, but 
it was without success; I turned over the stones and weeds, and with 
the like result. I then commenced turning over the gravel, and at 
last found that Nika edulis was a burrowing Crustacean. I accord¬ 
ingly transferred it for facility of observation to a vase, and placing 
in it the same material, namely, the coarse gravel and weeds, in this 
gravel it buried itself three several times. Burrowing in this loose 
material was evidently a difficult matter ; it required great patience 
and perseverance to overcome the difficulty occasioned by the loose 
gravel constantly falling in on the excavator: it took the animal ten 

Miscellaneous . 


minutes to burrow to about tbe depth of three parts of its length. 

I afterwards transferred it to a vase with sand to the depth of three 
or four inches at the bottom; in this it quickly disappeared, three 
minutes sufficing to completely cover itself. In this vase it was that 
I made the following observations on it. 

Its mode of mining is extraordinary: lying at the bottom of the 
vase, it commenced proceedings by probing the sand around with its 
third pair of feet, and inserting them to some depth in it; when it 
found a spot suited for the purpose, that is, free from any large 
stones, it at once commenced excavating. These operations were 
carried out by the external pedipalps, which are very long and 
strong, and also by the first, third and fourth pairs of legs ; the 
second pair of legs, as may be supposed, are for this purpose per¬ 
fectly useless : they are as much as possible placed out of the way, 
being bent up snugly with the hand turned backwards: the only 
motion I could detect was a nervous action in the moveable finger, 
constantly attempting to clutch objects, but not seizing anything. 
The fifth pair of feet have a simple though useful office assigned 
them: it is to support the body in the proper position until the 
burrowing has progressed sufficiently to enable the burrower to do 
without their support; they are then immediately called into more 
active employment, and assist in the work of excavation. The spot 
for burrowing having been selected, the little animal steadies its 
body by means of its fifth pair of legs, and this allows the greatest 
freedom of action to the body. The pedipalps perform a prominent 
part in the burrowing; the nail on the last joint is curved slightly 
forward, and the advantage of this is clearly seen, as in digging, the 
pedipalps are forced into the sand or shingle, and are thus forced 
forward and outwards, and they prevent the side of the burrow from 
falling in ; the third and fourth pairs of feet are in constant motion, 
probing the sand and loosening it, thus lightening the labour for the 
pedipalps ; all these movements take place very regularly and at the 
same time. A small hollow having been made, the animal raises its 
body by means of its fifth pair of legs to nearly a right angle with 
the bottom; its eyes, which are very large and carried at right angles 
with the body, are thus suddenly thrown forward with a spring in a 
line with the rostrum, and the hollow is surveyed; should it not be 
of a sufficient depth the body is again lowered and the burrowing 
continues, the eyes resuming their original position; when the hole 
is sufficiently deepened, the eyes are again brought forward, the 
antennae are thrown hack in a line with the body, and the animal 
forces its head in the hole it has made ; this is facilitated by the 
body being gradually raised by means of the fifth pair of legs ; the 
head being inserted, the burrowing continues with increased energy, 
and the animal assumes the position as in photograph No. 2 ; this 
view shows the sand which has been thrown up accumulated in a 
heap under the body. 

I have occasionally found it continue in this position, but gene¬ 
rally it burrows perpendicularly, until only the tips of the antennae, 
are visible. .......... .. 


Miscellaneous . 

I placed my captive in a glass vase, and his having selected the side 
of the glass for burrowing (probably from the glass forming one firm 
side to the work), enabled me to watch every movement; the sand 
appeared to be passed to the mouth of the hole by the legs and false 
legs, when it filled round the body and filled in as the animal passed 
downwards. The antennae are delicately sensitive. I believe this 
sensitiveness depends on the sense of touch: the slightest contact 
with them sets the animal in motion (and this when it is buried 
some depth), using every exertion to burrow deeper. It is evidently 
a night-feeding genus, as it remained buried and inactive during the 
day, but the state of the sand in the tank in the morning proved 
that it had not been idle during the night. 

From these facts I am justified in stating that Nika edulis is a 
burrowing species (if not of a burrowing genus), and that its bur¬ 
rowing is only by day to hide itself from its enemies, and not to 
procure food. 

The description I have given of the colouring of this species will 
be found to be different from that given by Risso, as stated by Mr. 
Milne-Edwards. I should have great diffidence in differing from 
these eminent naturalists had I not imagined that their descriptions 
might have been taken from cabinet specimens. Had I waited to 
describe my specimen until after its death, I must have described it 
as it now is, namely, flesh-red ; I find all the thinner-shelled Crus¬ 
tacea change more or less of a flesh-red, with the exception of the 
Crangonidce .— Proc. Zool . Soc., April 22, 1856. 


To the Editors of the Annals of Natural History . 

Falmouth, November 1, 1856. 

Gentlemen, —A shoal of the Naucrates ductor , Cuv., made its 
appearance in shallow water. Custom House Pier, on Friday afternoon, 
Oct. 31, 1856, and more than three dozen of them were caught in 
nets, baskets, &c., by persons on the beach. I have procured species 
of this interesting fish every year during my residence in this neigh¬ 

I am, Gentlemen, yours truly, 

W. P. Cocks. 

On Peculiar and Quasi-spontaneous Movements of the Plasmatic 
Cells of certain Animals . By Prof. Kolliker. 

I have just observed at Nice, upon a fine animal of the family of 
the compound Ascidians, which according to M. Milne-Edwards has 
not yet been described, a very peculiar fact, namely, movements of 
the cells which occur in great number in the gelatinous substance 
common to the whole bunch and formed of cellulose. These cells, 
which are round or stellate and of very various forms, have, in the 
living animal, a slow, but easily perceptible movement, consisting in 
a constant change of form, so that the same cell, which was at one, 
time round, becomes stellate or fusiform in different degrees, by the